Christina Miller
6 ways to cope when your crush is taken
6 ways to cope when your crush is taken We all have had a crush and for some of us, we’re crushing hard right now. What is worse, is when…
R-Bombing is the latest dating term you may have experienced already
There is an ever growing list of dating trends that are popping up on the daily. Singles have to navigate a perilous battleground of Ghosting, Caspering, Roaching and Orbiting. R-Bombing…
What questions should you ask on a first date?
Even though many of us dread first dates, they are really important. First impressions are actually pretty important. It’s the time you decide whether the person you’re on a date…
6 Dates to take yourself when you’re single
Who said that being single is not fun? Being single does not equate to social outcast, quite the contrary. Let’s shift that thought and enjoy being single because it can…
Gatsbying is the latest Millennial dating trend
We live in a world where we can’t escape social media. Social media platforms have increasingly become how we communicate with each other. We are all guilty of posting too much…
The new dating trend called ‘mosting’ is way worse than ghosting
There is a new dating trend that takes ghosting to a new level and it’s called ‘mosting’. We feel you, the dating world didn’t need another horrible trend. The new…
‘Stashing’ another disturbing dating trend
There’s a brand new dating term abound and it sucks just as much as ghosting. ‘Stashing’ another disturbing dating trend. What is stashing? Stashing is when the person you’re dating…
“Orbiting” another dating trend to worry about
“Orbiting” is another dating trend to worry about, it might be even worse than ghosting. Orbiting refers to when you get ghosted by someone, yet they continue to watch your stories. …
If you want to get the girl, be a genuine ‘Nice Guy’
You’ve heard the expression: ‘nice guys finish last’. Contrary to popular belief this is not quite true. Nice guys, actual nice guys, who are kind, emotionally available and selfless, are…
5 simple ways to make you feel instantly sexy
Get ready to learn the art of how to attract men with these 5 simple ways to make you feel instantly sexy. When you are not in a relationship it’s…