There is an ever growing list of dating trends that are popping up on the daily. Singles have to navigate a perilous battleground of Ghosting, Caspering, Roaching and Orbiting. R-Bombing is the latest dating term you may have experienced already

Obviously, it’s every singleton’s responsibility to stay abreast of all these dating terms so they can defend themselves.

The latest one is ‘R-Bombing’ i.e. when a person you’re interested in reads your message but doesn’t respond. Essentially, they ignore you.

We have all experienced that sinking feeling of watching our phone screens waiting for a reply after you know your message has been “read”. Then anxiously await the ‘….’ showing you they are in the process of answering and then no reply.

Oh, yeah, you have just been R-Bombed.

The hardest thing about R-Bombing is the torture of knowing that your message has been read. Why would anyone behave this way, you wonder?
The people who “R-Bomb” are likely to lack basic communication skills, choosing to be silent rather than saying what is on their minds. It could be they fear conflict or being called out for their behaviour.

How do you handle R-Bombing?

You can choose to just leave it and move on. Or wait a while to give them a chance to respond, if they respond. Your actions toward being R-Bombed depends on how long you have been seeing each other. If you have been seeing each other for a short time, letting it slide seems the most obvious thing to do. However, if you have been seeing each other for a while, then you need to decide what is best for you. It’s true that choosing to end a relationship this way lacks closure. One thing is for sure, don’t over think it, because their lack of courtesy, it’s makes it obvious that it’s not you, it’s them who are the problem. They are poor communicators and don’t know how to be honest and authentic.

Another course of action to take against this awful and frustrating behaviour is to change the setting in your phone and turn off both “read” message and “now typing “. Sometimes “Ignorance is bliss”.