Dr. X has recently been making headlines by attempting to get funding for an absolutely innovative invention, a sex toy to be specific that allows women to experience the sensation of a penis. Admit it ladies we all have wonder it about the power of the penis. Now women can experience what sex feels like for men. It could be a great way for women to understand men’s sexuality.

Dr. X has brought forward his new invention that is going to change sex, as we know it. Dr. X is the lead inventor at Denver based sex toy company Orgasmatronics Inc. He has invented a bionic strap-on that allows women to experience the sensation of having a penis. As you stroke it, pull it, and suck it, the wearer of the strap-on gets to feel the pleasure from all these different sensations. Wearing a strap-on so far was more of a psychological pleasure but with bionic strap-on you experience the physical pleasure.

This bionic strap-on vibrating dildo reacts to touch in a way that mimics men’s pleasure while targeting a woman’s pleasure points. An electronic vein that runs along the underside of the product picks up on pressure being applied to it and translates these in various levels of vibration based on the type of touch being received.

Dr. X explained that this is more than just a sex toy; it’s a body-hacking tool since you are literally slipping in someone else’s shoes and experiencing the same sensation they are feeling.

Here is what you get when technology meets sex. Watch the video below and let us know what you think:

Do you believe this is a game-changing toy?