Sex appeal no matter how old you are is not just about sex. It’s about being confident in who you are and what you look like.
Are you an older bloke and thinking; ‘It’s all over; I’m just too old! I don’t stand a chance! Women are not interested in me.’
Actually, don’t get carried away with that thought yet. Apparently, women dig older men. Especially older men, who are presentable, confident, dress well, smell good, are fun, and are fit.

What do you have to offer that younger males don’t have?

Older men are more likely to know how to take care of a lady and be appreciative of her. Having gained confidence in their manhood over the years they are more apt to be attentive to ladies. They’ll notice your ideas as well as your new underwear or your new hair do. They are better listeners; older men are more interested in what’s happening to you.

Despite this acquired skill, men at this stage of their life need to work on other areas. Yes, it takes work to keep yourself appealing to the opposite sex no matter what age you are. When you’re 50 and over, it takes a little more work to stand out. So let’s just get right down to it, shall we? Here are a few tips on how you can boost your sex appeal along with how you can use it practically to help boost your chances with women. You need to make sure that the ladies notice you regardless of your years.

Fitness is important both with how it makes you look and feel and how it improves your sexual endurance. Fear not, we’re not talking about a ripped middle rift or a Sylvester Stallone look alike, not that it hurts to be like that, but more NOT sporting a beer gut. Being fit paints a picture of health and strength, both attributes women desire. Also research shows that physical fit older adults have fewer age-related changes in their brains.

Invest on some deodorant, ladies noses are sensitive and they love pleasing smells. Dressing well, communicates that you put effort and time in your appearance, so you are more likely to do the same toward the lady.

Much like the real world, here on RHP, it’s all about how you present yourself. We all want to be excited about our new conquest, right? After you’ve written your profile and uploaded some appealing and current photos that will please the ladies, start messaging profiles you’re interested in. Look for the more mature woman who’s after passionate and sensual sex and not a rushed encounter.

Give it some time, observe others, read the forums, respond to some of the articles, this is a great way to make yourself felt out there, to demonstrate your intellectual value and illustrate you sexual savvy.

Slowly get re-acquainted with the workings of interacting in the platform of dating/ meeting. The old adage ‘All good things come to those who wait’ might be something you want to embrace.
In no time, you will be having experiences that will make it all worth it. Make your profile unique, think about what past lovers have said in appreciation of you; use it to write your profile.

When you’re on a date, be at all times positive, forget your negative experiences and never let these become the topic of your conversation when meeting a lady. We’re all running away from that gloomy cloud that hangs over us, and looking for that little ray of sunshine – be the sunshine. A good idea is maybe to rehearse some jokes or stories; they sometimes help break the ice.
Maybe update your pad, even if only tidying it up. Hint; girls love pretty things that smell good and feel soft; making them comfortable is a priority in your new role as the sexy stud/man.

In short, there’s nothing wrong with you, and it’s not your age that is stopping you from meeting those fun loving ladies! Who says you cannot be sexy, dynamic and over 50?
Let’s name a few hunks who are 50 and over and are still sexy. Proof, that just because you’re older doesn’t mean you have lost your sex appeal. George Clooney, David Duchovny, Colin Firth, Antonio Banderas, Jon Bon Jovi and Vigo Mortensen and our own Hugh Jackman. All these men ooze sex appeal and would outdo any young stud when in the run to get the ‘lady’.

There is something sexy about older men who know how to take care of themselves. They can show women a thing or two in the bedroom. Undeniably, it takes work and dedication but in the long run, it’s all for the best. Also something to remember is, since women are marrying later, they’re obviously looking at older guys

There is no difference for a 30,40,50 year old man when trying to capture a woman’s interests. Initially, it might seem like a lot of work. However, once you get the hang of it, it all becomes easier.
At any stage of life, you should accept your age and understand the advantages and disadvantages it brings with it. Use this knowledge and work your age to your advantage. Hence, age is not a repellent it’s your whole approach that determines your success.

What works or has work in the past for you as an older gent to attract the fairer sex?