Is She Actually “Out of Your League?” Here’s How You Can Tell.
The idea of someone being “out of your league” is pretty subjective, but it often boils down to the perception that the person you’re interested in is somehow “better” than…
6 Key Differences Between Healthy and Toxic Relationships
6 Key Differences Between Healthy and Toxic Relationships How do you know when you are in a healthy relationship? Quite simply, when you are in the ‘right’ or healthy relationship,…
10 Questions to discuss before you commit to a serious relationship
Open communication is hard, and a lack thereof is the number one biggest killer of relationships. We often want to ‘play it cool’ and not come across as intense when starting a new relationship. Here are 10 important topics to discuss before you commit to a serious relationship.
What it means when they don’t text you back
Being SMS ignored is frustrating. It’s a common phenomenon, and a source of endless frustration for mobile phone owners everywhere. Let’s break down a couple of potential reasons why it might be happening, to soothe your anxious brain.
Why travelling together is the best test for your relationship
There are several pivotal points in any relationship that will test its endurance and indicate whether or not it is going to last. From meeting their friends, the first fart,…
Roaching is the latest modern dating term
Dating is not for the weak-hearted. Especially, true in the landscape of contemporary dating, you’re confronted with ghosting, kittenfishing and now Roaching. Roaching is the latest modern dating term. Dating takes effort…
Your Smart Phone is Ruining Your Relationship
In this day and age, every man and his dog has a smart phone – or at least an Instagram account, seriously the amount of dogs I see on there…
Hotwifing, New Hot Trend, It might Just Be What You Were Looking For!
Let’s simply begin with defining Hotwifing and Cuckolding. For many people, the terms ‘Hotwifing’ and ‘Cuckolding’ are used interchangeably, and thus incorrectly, they are not necessarily the same thing. Hotwifing…
Aussie Couple Describe Their Successful Open Relationship
Many couples say they couldn’t bear the idea, while others say they’re more than a little curious. Rach Wilson and her husband Kerry are in a successful open relationship. They’ve…
The Hottest Aural Ever!
It’s a fast world we live in; damn fast. Never has there been an age such as this, and never have humans had to adapt so quickly to their surroundings….