Well, we’ve all either heard about or engaged in a heated debate around this question: Does penis size really matter to women? Curiously enough, despite how popular this topic is, science has never given a definitive answer, until now. A new study that was conducted recently in Australia suggests that, yes, size does matter. However before all you un-hung heroes out there start researching penis enlargements, the study found that bigger doesn’t necessarily mean better. Read on…

The study involved a group of women looking at and scoring the attractiveness of images of naked men, where different attributes (penis size being one of them) were digitally altered. What the scientists found was that whilst larger penis size did increase the man’s attractiveness to women, other attributes, such as height, were equally as important as penis size – and in some cases even more important – in determining a man’s physical attractiveness. Women found penis size more important for men that were taller, muscular or had broad shoulders and slimmer hips. They also tended to stare for slightly longer at the more well-endowed images of men.

One interesting thing that the study noted was that after a length of just under 8 centimetres (which is less than the average length of a flaccid penis), the importance of penis size became a less important factor in determining their attractiveness. This was when other physical attributes became more of a focus.

So what does all this mean? Well the scientists conducting the study did say that they did not come up with a combination that created the most ‘attractive’ man. Clearly, women’s tastes vary. Despite this, they also found that the most attractive size for a flaccid penis was over 13 centimetres. Many scientists believe that women’s preferences for a larger lover are rooted in cavemen times when clothes were non-existent and women chose partners based on how virile they looked.

Less than well-endowed? Don’t forget that when most women are choosing a partner, they don’t do it based solely on penis size. Every woman has a personal preference for the type of man that they like – and of course there is far more to a man than his member! It’s also important to remember that the study was based solely on physical appearance, not sexual activity. Whilst women might generally prefer the look of a well-endowed man, in the interests of comfort you’ll find that some women will happily choose an average-sized appendage over a huge trouser monster. There’s definitely truth in the old saying ‘it’s not about what you’ve got, but how you use it’ too.

I suppose that the jury is still out! Ladies, what’s your preference?

Interested in what other members think on this issue? Check out the forums!
‘Penis Size…Again.’ Read it here
‘It’s Official: Penis Size Really Does Matter!’ Read it here
‘What’s your definition of average and above?’ Read it here

SOURCE: Yahoo Seven News