Recognise all the signs and avoid a broken heart

When it comes to dating, everyone has a different approach. Some people will date multiple people at one time who they know are not going to be in a relationship with. They are going with the flow, while others do an analytical breakdown of the future they can have with a prospective partner.

The difference is that some people are not looking for commitment. They are playing the field and having fun. Problem is, you are not. You want a serious relationship. You’re trying to find The ONE.

If you are looking for a committed relationship, then you want to avoid a potential partner who’s only interested in going with the flow. When they potentially see something more interesting, they move on.  Before they do move on, they leave a trail of hints and signs warning you they were not for keeps. Recognise all the signs early and avoid a broken heart. Here are some of the signs of commitment avoidance.

1. Backing out of plans last minute

You made plans for a date, but last minute you get a text saying, “Sorry! Something came up! Maybe we can reschedule?”

If your date keeps rescheduling, it may be a red flag. They might have to juggle other plans or they have a commitment phobia. They are not prepared to invest emotionally in any relationship yet.

2. They pay you no attention

Does your date not keep eye contact with you but spend more time checking their phone?
Right from the beginning, you can tell if your date is looking for a committed relationship or not. If they pay you no attention, they are obviously not interested in you. If they want to commit, they want to get to know you better and ask you reflective questions.

3. One day hot the other cold – mixed messages

They confuse you. The day before they shower you with texts messages with sweet nothings but go totally silent the next day. That’s because non-commitment types are experts at sending mixed messages. Coming on strong and then changing their levels of interest later.
It’s important to recognise this sign because you are not their number 1 but a more ‘it’ll do for now’ type.

4. They avoid labels

They definitely don’t want you to put a label on your relationship. Terms like “boyfriend” and “girlfriend” signal a level of closeness and exclusivity that they are uncomfortable with. They will avoid using these at all cost and probably respond with, “I want to take things slow.”
They are not ready for the commitment you want. Time to bring it to a close or you’re setting yourself for heartbreak.

5. They use non-committal language

Listen for vague language when talking about the near future, whether about your relationship or in general. They’ll use language like, “I might” or ” Yeah, maybe I will…” This type of language signals how much follow through they actually are willing to invest in you. They are constantly leaving their options open.
Instead what you want to hear is, “I’m going to”, “I will definitely going.”. Non-commital language signals that you are there if nothing else comes along.


Do not overlook these signs or red flags, to avoid investing time on someone who is not really interested in the same things as you. Most important avoid the heartbreak later. It sucks to get hurt and time is precious. Bite the bullet early, move on and find someone who is looking for a committed relationship like you.

H/T Hello Giggles
Main Photo by from Pexels