FORGET what you think you know about nerdy gamers sitting in their dark basements.

They’re actually probably freaks in the bedroom — and in a good way.

At least that’s what gamer girl and porn star Lucie Bee reckons.

And there’s new Australian research that appears back this up, by stomping on the dorky gamer stereotype.

UNSW scientists Dr Michael Kasumovic and Dr Tom Denson have released a study exploring the long-held link between sex and violence through the prism of video games.

The research, published in Personality and Individual Differences, quizzed two sets of 500 gamers to reveal that someone’s drive to play violent video games is closely connected to the desire for sex.

Yep, yet again, it’s all about sex.

Male and female gamers who played the more violent video games — such as Grand Theft Auto, Mass Effect and Call of Duty — were hungrier for some hanky-panky.

Kasumovic told News Corp Australia the most surprising finding was that while men who played violent video games didn’t consider themselves a better catch, women found themselves to be a whole lot sexier.

He said gamer chicks were drawn to first-person shooters partly because it boosted their view of themselves as a romantic partner.

Kasumovic said he believed this was because women revelled in a feeling of power and dominance.

“Women compete with men on equal footing online because there aren’t any physiological differences,” he said.

“Men often over-estimate their ability, while women underestimate, so if women play and they’re winning, they feel great. It’s awesome.”

Kasumovic said he believed the links between violent games and desire for sex were buried in our innate competitive urge to display our strength to win over a mate.

In other words, gaming is just a modern way of beating our chests, and that kicks our libido into gear.

Kasumovic said lighter games like Candy Crush and Mario Kart did not have that effect because it was hard to feel “bad-ass” playing them.

Kasumovic said future research would explore the amount of sex gamers were having, because interest in it might not necessarily translate to getting it on.

But for porn star Lucie Bee, who counts Mass Effect, Fallout and Borderlands among her favourite games, the findings were not so surprising.

“When you’re playing these games as a girl in what has been largely a male-dominated arena for so long, it can feel empowering,” Bee said.

“You feel bad-ass, you stand out and you are holding your ground with the boys.

“Guys find that really sexy as well.”

Bee said she felt fortunate to be able to combine her love of sex and gaming, meaning she regularly attends cosplay events and mingles with many male gamers.

She said while they had a nerdy reputation, they were definitely still keen on sex, and having it.

She said increased gender diversity in gaming also meant “boy gamers and girl gamers are finding each other.”

“It’s a fantastic way to meet people,” she said.

But Bee stressed that violence in gaming did not translate to violence in the bedroom, urging people not to fall into a form of “moral panic”.

Rather, she strongly believes gamer guys are “absolute freaks in the sack” in the most considerate way possible.

“They do their research,” she said.

“Much like they want to be good at gaming, they want to be good in other areas of their lives.

“If you want to find a good sexual partner, find a geek.”


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