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Advice For men Wanting To Hook-Up Online : a female perspective
Even if you have a great personality, washer-board abs you could grate cheese with and pecs to cut diamonds on, unless you can convey these qualities via the protocols we…
The Sex Diet : Dietician recommends having sex 5 times a week
The Sex Diet is one of the more interesting and effective dietary trends of recent times. Dietitian Researcher and Model/Actress Kerry McCloskey has compiled a fascinating list of the health…
Party Review: This Year’s Hottest Indy Weekend Action!
The Gold Coast Indy weekend certainly had some engines racing last month, and this wasn’t limited to the race track. Brisbane Inner Circle, had their Indy Drinks Night followed by…
Nude Beaches of Australia : Get an all-over tan this summer!
Recent scientific reports predict that Australia is set for the hottest summer ever recorded. As such, we know that most of our members will be spending their free time (when…
Pole Position : Get a head start on your sexy summer body with Strippercise.
Another interesting alternative to traditional workouts is the new craze ‘Strippercise’. Turning the art of pole dancing into a form of exercise, Strippercise has been all the rage in the…
Rediscovering the Lost Art of Erotic Photography
With the common digital camera surpassing their old school 35mm cousins in quality and affordability, there has been a reemergence of the lost art of erotic photography. This renaissance is…
Party Review: West-side Heat
Even with a cold snap bearing down on the West Coast, it has been getting hot and steamy in the in the city of Perth recently with several organized unofficial…
Its Official: Australia has the highest rates of sexual indulgence.
The Latest Global Sex Survey revealed some interesting figures on Australians sex lives. According to the Durex survey, Australia is one of the most sexually liberated nations when it comes…
Sex and Dating in the Digital Age
Sex and dating lifestyles have morphed around the wider cultural backdrop of Australian society. Yet nothing has had a more dramatic effect to reshape the way Australian find their sexual…
A Man’s Guide To Getting Sex Using Adult Contact Websites
Guys, do you spend too much money on pornography – either on the Internet or buying DVDs – when you would rather be having sex with a real, sensual, woman…
SEXERCISE: It’s time to shake that ass into shape!
As the warmer weather around the nation testifies, Spring has definitely sprung. It‘s only a matter of weeks before we are hit with those all too familiar sun-scorched days and…
Aphrodisiacs: Secret to a sizzling sex life? (from the Sinclair Intimacy Institute)
Aphrodisiacs are substances that arouse sexual desire or enhance sexual performance. For many centuries there has been a search for substances that could increase a person’s sexual powers or desire….