Aphrodisiacs are substances that arouse sexual desire or enhance sexual performance. For many centuries there has been a search for substances that could increase a person’s sexual powers or desire. Among the many substances that have been claimed to have such an effect are oysters, ginseng root, powdered rhinoceros horn, animal testicles, and turtles’ eggs. There is no evidence that an actual aphrodisiac response occurs with these or any other substances. Just how certain foods or other substances come to be seen as aphrodisiacs is typically a matter of folklore rather than fact. In some cases the newness or rarity of a food or chemical invite people to endow it with magical powers of a sexual nature. In other instances, sexual strength is assumed to come from eating foods resembling a sex organ, such as bananas and oysters because of their vague resemblance to the penis and testicles. While the notion that the shape of an unrelated object should qualify it as an aphrodisiac seems absurd to most, people continue to view some foods as aphrodisiacs.

Are Oysters Really an Aphrodisiac?

In the case of oysters, probably the classic among the alleged aphrodisiacs, chemical analysis shows that it consists of water, protein and carbohydrates, plus small amounts of fat, sugar and minerals. None of these components is in any way known to affect sex drive or performance. The psychological impact of believing that oysters, raw bull’s testicles (“prairie oysters”, as they are called), clams, celery, or tomatoes are aphrodisiacs is sometimes strong enough to produce, at least temporarily, greater sexual desire or performance. The experience of enhanced arousal or performance is then falsely attributed to the wonder food, and this discovery is passed on to the next person wishing to experience new heights of sexual experience. Eating certain foods to increase sexual power, while ineffective, is generally harmless. Other supposed aphrodisiacs, however, are not so innocuous. Spanish fly (cantharides) is one such substance. It is made from a beetle found in southern Europe. The insects are dried and heated until they disintegrate into a fine powder. When taken internally, the substance causes irritation of the bladder and urethra, accompanied by a swelling of associated blood vessels, all of which produce a certain stimulation of the genitals that is interpreted by some men as a sign of lust. The drug can cause an erection, but usually without an increase in sexual desire. Furthermore, if taken in excessive amounts, it can cause violent illness and even death.

Alcohol and Sex

Alcohol is another substance that most people believe increases their sexual responsiveness. This is partly because alcohol has a disinhibiting effect—it lowers the sexual inhibitions a person may ordinarily have, thus allowing sexual desire to emerge. Alcohol’s reputation as an aphrodisiac also stems from advertising and cultural myths. Television, radio and print ads often pair exciting sexual undertones with the brand of alcohol being advertised, suggesting to consumers that alcohol will help them create such sexually charged moments. Cultural myths, often propagated among high school and college-aged drinkers, suggest that alcohol will ease the way for sexual encounters to occur. Furthermore, the myths promise that, once underway, sexual experiences will exceed normal performance levels, thanks to the presence of alcohol. The fact is that alcohol acts as a central nervous system depressant, physically inhibiting the sexual response, including the capacity for erection and orgasm.

Sex and Drugs

A number of illicit drugs, including LSD, heroin and morphine, cocaine and amphetamines, and marijuana have been claimed to increase sexual responsiveness and enhance the sexual experience. Like alcohol, these drugs break down inhibitions and act as sexual facilitators in a social sense, but these drugs are addictive and ultimately have the opposite effect on sexuality, and cause an array of other very serious problems. A drug that is commonly believed not so much to increase the sex drive as to intensify or prolong the sensation of orgasm is amyl nitrate (snappers or poppers). Some people report that inhaling the drug at the instant of orgasm enhances the pleasure of the experience. This is particularly popular among homosexual men. Valid scientific data of its effectiveness as an aphrodisiac are lacking, and its side effects (dizziness, headaches, fainting) are known to be dangerous.

Sex and Herbs
Yohimbine is a substance derived from the bark of the African yohimbe tree that has been reputed to have sexually stimulating properties for men. Studies of yohimbine have found that it has a tendency to enhance erectile functioning relative to placebo in men with erectile difficulties. There have not been consistent reports of yohimbine enhancing sexual desire or arousal. It is more likely to be used as a treatment for erectile dysfunction than as a true aphrodisiac. Though not generally considered an aphrodisiac, testosterone supplements do affect sexual drive and can be used effectively in some cases of inhibited desire when endogenous levels of testosterone are extremely low. There are, however, negative side effects (especially for women), and such supplements should only be used under a doctor’s supervision. Certainly, it seems reasonable to speculate that various chemicals and other substances might influence the centers of the brain that control sexual response. To date, however, about the only effects that drugs appear to have on sexual behavior are inhibitory rather than enhancing, and most foods believed to be aphrodisiacs have no physical effect at all. It would appear that most claims about aphrodisiacs are based on myth rather than scientific evidence, making their continued use more a statement about the desperate search for remedies than a tribute to their effectiveness.