4 Times When It’s OK to Break Up Over Text

There’s nothing harder than breaking up with someone. Waiting for the right moment and weighing in your words can be exhausting and somehow never right. Days and even weeks might go by without you finding the courage or the right time or words to break up. The sweet thing about doing it over text is that its instant and has almost no consequences.

Breaking up over text is not always the ideal way to go about it. So, here are four scenarios when it’s okay to send a breakup text:

1. You’ve only been on a couple of dates

When you’re breaking up from a long relationship, face-to-face dialogue is helpful to both of you. From the conversation you can get insights that are helpful to both to move on. You can get some insight that might help with your future relationships.

When you’re only seen each other 2 or 3 times, you don’t know each other that well. All you know is whether you are attracted to this person or not. So, having a whole conversation as to why there isn’t an attraction seems futile. Breaking up over a text, in this situation, is both convenient and appropriate.

You can use a ‘white lie’ and say that ‘you’re not ready to date yet.’ Or ‘you are moving away somewhere far’

Both of you are not emotionally invested in your relationship so a text is totally okay.

2. Do them a favour and have them hate you

Breaking up from a long relationship is one of the hardest blow and emotionally taxing. To make things easier, according to a study last May, is the way to go:

because remaining love feelings for an ex-partner are negatively associated with recovery from a romantic break-up, it may be helpful to decrease those love feelings.” The study found that “negative reappraisal” was a far more effective strategy for getting over a breakup than “positive reappraisal of love feelings” when it lends itself to reminiscing about the happy times or “distraction” going into rebounding with new partners on dating apps. If you don’t want to stay friends with your ex, you might actually be doing them a favour by being a complete douchebag.

3. If you’re considering ghosting…

Breaking off a relationship in a text message isn’t great, but it’s a hell of a lot better than ghosting.

While it’s the cowards way to break up over text especially, when we’re talking about a long relationship, ghosting is absolutely unforgivable. Just don’t ghost send a break up text.

4. Prepping you partner with a break up text

When you are thinking of breaking up with your long term partner, it’s not a bad idea to prep them up via text. When you’re going to meet up with someone to break up, you don’t want them to arrive with no idea what’s about to happen. You want them to arrive feeling composed. It’s cruel to surprise your partner with bad news without any warning.

H/T: Men’s Health