10 Reasons To Be Thankful For Being single

There’s something really liberating about being single. You decide and do exactly what you want with whomever you want. You are free and only have to worry about yourself.

There are tons of very good reasons to be thankful for being single. Whether you’re single for a short while, a long while or forever it doesn’t make you damaged, weird or unlovable.  Spend your time all by your glorious self and enjoy it. Take full advantage of being single instead of hanging around with the agenda of finding a mate. Just enjoy every moment of single-hood.

Here are 10 reasons to be thankful for being single.

1. Able to travel

10 Reasons To Be Thankful For Being single

Travel wherever and however long you want to. You can eat as much as you like and go where you want to go without any consideration. If you’re a woman, you can go make-up free – oh the freedom.

2. Being independent

Celebrate all your own accomplishments. Big or small they call for a celebration as you learn to be self-reliant and independent. You come to become a person of your own.

3. Focus on you

10 Reasons To Be Thankful For Being single

Being single allows you to do things you always wanted to do without compromise. You can go and climb Mount Everest or go work overseas. You are free to live your dreams and get to experience your own life.

4. You can relax

When you are single you don’t have to sweat the little things. You can stop over analyzing how you look, sound and smell. You can slouch at the dinner table, air-dry your hair and eat garlic bread. Indulge in all those secret single behaviours like drinking from the milk bottle, eat the peanuts out of the can. Yay, you’re single and nobody is going to complain about any of it.

5. Don’t have to pretend you like something

10 Reasons To Be Thankful For Being single

The best thing about being single is, you do not have to spend your day off doing something you don’t want to do like watching the cricket.

6. Do absolutely what you want and how you want it

Being single means you can watch the movies you want to watch, eat the food you like to eat and decorate your home or apartment how you like it.

7. Deal only with your mess

When you’re single you deal only with your mess. No more tidying and picking up after others. CLeaning your mess is so much easier because you know exactly where you left what.

8. You can spend lots of time with friends

10 Reasons To Be Thankful For Being single


When you single you can spend time with friends without anyone getting jealous. Nobody is there feeling like you spend more time with family, friends or even your pet than them.

9. Become self-reliant

When you’re single you learn to be independent and the ability to take care of yourself. These skills will be important for the rest of your life. Understanding bills, insurance, banking, mortgage, budget and the likes will set you up for the future whether as single or in a couple. You can take care of your household and yourself.

10. Relationships are hard work

10 Reasons To Be Thankful For Being single

Relationships are wonderful and worth it. But right now, you don’t have to worry about the typical relationship stuff. Like where is this going? Is s/he the one? Can we make this work? You’ll be back worrying about this stuff once you’re in a relationship, but for now, just enjoy every aspect of being single.

Enjoy being single, have fun and take it as a time to better understand yourself and become a better-equipped for life and your next relationship. Rediscover what makes you happy and gives you joy without relying on someone else to provide it for you.

Feature image: pexels