Dating younger vs. dating older
Who makes for the best ‘naughty date’? Younger or older partners? Age-related preferences for dating depend on what you are looking for. Dating younger vs. dating older Are you looking for…
Older Women are the best for naughty dates
Women are absolutely amazing creatures at any age, but there is something striking about an older woman. Whether you attribute it to her experience, her age, or her gained knowledge…
10 Reasons You Should Date an Older Man at Least Once
10 Reasons You Should Date an Older Man at Least Once There comes a time in everybody’s life when we need to embrace change. When you are a girl and…
Interview & book give-away – Sexologist, Dr Nikki Goldstein!
In #singlebutdating, Dr Nikki Goldstein dispenses invaluable advice on how to live the #singlebutdating life by empowering women to make informed choices, understanding consequences and the implications of wants and…
How To Be An Awesome First Date
First dates are daunting. Many consider them akin to a job interview. And like a job interview, where you gotta make it through the process in order to get the…
RedHotPie’s Guide To First Dates
First impressions… you only get to make them once, which is why first dates can fill so many of us with dread. So here at RedHotPie we’ve decided to do…
Are you single because of your DNA?
IF you’ve ever wondered why you seem to be permanently single while others are always coupled up, it could be down to your DNA. Scientists have discovered a “singleton gene”…
Sex-up your Valentine’s Day
It’s that time of the year, the most romantic and sexually charged day • And you don’t have a date? • Have you been doing nothing with your time? •…
The Truth About Sex at Work
We all know that work is a place where we need to switch on to work mode ONLY, but we’re not robots, we are mere humans with many needs. When…
Age gap relationships, what is all the fuss about?
What’s age got to do with it? Relax and enjoy. Let’s just take in life a day at a time and make the most of it. Labels like; ‘cougar’, ‘sugar…