The warm weather isn’t quite here yet, but when it arrives, it’ll be time to spring clean your sex life. Never mind the kitchen and the garage – start in the bedroom. We put together three simple sex tips to take your sex life from good to great this spring.

Explore sexual fantasies

Whether you have a vampire fetish courtesy of True Blood or Twilight or a thing for the latest celebrity to grace the front pages of every tabloid, one of the best ways to make sure sex stays exciting is with fantasies. Sexual fantasies can (and should) be a healthy and natural part of a relationship and really spice things up. The decision to come clean about what scenarios really turn you on can feel risky but it can also completely change up your sex life. The key is to take each other’s fantasies seriously (no teasing), be creative and just have fun with the experience.

Dress the part

We don’t all feel comfortable wearing lingerie, but sweat pants aren’t exactly sexy. Comfort is fine some of the time, but simply wearing lingerie can go a long way towards spicing up your sex life. The sexier you feel, the more likely it is that you’ll be in the mood to have sex, and we’re willing to bet your man will be pretty excited about the wardrobe change. Continuing to play with lingerie even when you’d rather be in jeans and a T-shirt shows your partner that you care and he’ll likely reciprocate with more effort of his own.

Create flirtation

Flirting is fun. Think back to the beginning of your relationship and how good it felt when your guy flirted with you and vice versa. It may have been years since you flirted with one another, but it’s time to change all that. A little flirting makes each person feel desired, which can lead to a stronger physical connection and more intimacy in your relationship. So if you really want to make things hotter in the bedroom, bring on the flirting. Hang on his every word, lean in close when he talks, laugh at his jokes and get playful. Trust us, the flirtier you get, the better your connection will become.
