A man’s face has appeared in an ultrasound of a testicle tumour, prompting Canadian urologists to write a humorous entry about it in a high-profile medical journal.

G. Gregory Roberts and Naji J. Touma from Ontario’s Queen’s University discovered the unsettling image of a man with a pained expression on his face while scanning the inflamed testicles of a 45-year-old patient.

The pair wrote in peer-reviewed journal Urology they had considered the possibility of the image being a divine sign.

But after dismissing a theory it could be a gesture from the Egyptian god of male virility Min, the pair decided it was a “mere coincidental occurrence rather than a divine proclamation”.

“The residents and staff alike were amazed to see the outline of a man’s face staring up out of the image, his mouth agape as if the face seen on the ultrasound scan itself was also experiencing severe epididymo-orchitis (inflamed testicles).”

Source: ninemsn.com.au