File this one under “best minute of viral marketing ever.”

A video surfaced on YouTube recently called Naked Girls Get Interrupted. It stars four attractive ladies – and a funny but unfortunate “interruption” from actor-model “Music Steve” – stripping off their clothes and strutting down a street in Los Angeles County. Censor bars obscure their private parts and display popular song titles.

Surely this isn’t what Kurt Cobain had in mind when he wrote “Smells Like Teen Spirit.”

It’s hard to look past the action in foreground, but after repeated viewings (all in the name of reporting), we believe they’re walking down the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica.

The editors of the professional-looking video aren’t saying who’s behind it. The minute-long clip was posted to a new YouTube channel called Windsieve.All signs point to a viral marketing campaign for the upcoming “Guitar Hero 5” video game. The song titles shown in the video are all performed by bands that are listed on the game’s featured artists page, and game publisher Activision is no stranger to viral ads.

Dear Activision, we look forward to learning more about songs in the game by staring at partially naked women. Although perhaps it should have been given a different name: “Things people who play countless hours of Guitar Hero will never witness.”
