Spring Fling
The 1st of September can only signify one thing – warmer weather. Which in turn signifies other cool things, such as smaller clothing articles, feistier libidos and perkier…moods. You can’t…
Perfect your Profile
Score more dates in 20 minutes flat! How? Slap a cool pic or few onto your profile and spend a few minutes describing all your awesome points and you’ll open…
How To Hook That Guy
So what is it that men look for in ‘take home to your mum’ material girlfriends? Who knows right? Each guy may have a different set of criteria that he’s…
Guys: Getting your profile to work for you
Getting too many ‘thanks, but no thanks’ responses, or no replies at all? It’s a competitive world for single guys searching for sexy adventures with single women and couples. At…
Nettiquette: being nice on the net
The team at RHP often receives e-mails from members who have questioned why (after spending a lot of time writing well thought out messages to fellow members) they were not…
Online dating: How to meet new friends on the Internet
The Internet has opened up new possibilities in the world of personal contacts. Where once newspapers and magazines were the only means of placing and replying to personal advertisements, the…
Make That First Impression Count
No matter how confident you might feel around a member of the opposite sex, every man, from the 40 year old virgins to the most prolific man whores, can find…
Score More Chicks Today!
Boys, are you not getting as much interest as you would hope from your listed profile? Struggling to get replies to your emails or flirts? It could be down to…
Avoiding ’Singlehood’
If you’ve left school behind and find yourself in the big scary world, you would’ve undoubtedly come to the realization that acquiring proximity with the opposite sex is nowhere as…
Advice For men Wanting To Hook-Up Online : a female perspective
Even if you have a great personality, washer-board abs you could grate cheese with and pecs to cut diamonds on, unless you can convey these qualities via the protocols we…